Packing :25 amp.
Form : Ampoules
Theraputic Categories : Anti- infectives
Indications : Aminoglycoside antibiotic
Composition :Amikacin (sulphate) 500 mg./2 ml.
Composition: Each 2ml. Contains Amikacin Sulfate ( equ. To) 100 or 500 mg. Amikacin Base.
Properties and Indications:
Amikacin ( Amikacin Sulfate) is a semisynthetic aminoglycoside antibiotic with board spectrum antimicrobial action against a wide variety of gram negative and gram positive susceptible micro-organisms including( E.coli, gram (-) and gram (+) indole spercies, klebsiella, salmonella, shigella, citrobacter, pseudomonas aeroginosa and staphyllococcus sp s species). These propertiesrenders Amikacin highly effective in the treatment of many gram nigative infections caused by susciptible bacteria which are resistant to Gentamicin in the treatment of urogenital infections, septicaemia, meningitis, endococarditis, respiratory system infections, dermatological infections, and articular infections.
Contraindications and Precautions:
Amikacin is contraindicated in patients with known history of hypersensitivity to Amikacin or other Aminoglycosides.
Amikacin should be given with care in the followuing conditions:
– Myasthenia gravis.
– In patients with severe renal impairment, and elderly.
– Otic disorders.
Side Effects:
Few side effects may rarely occur during treatment with Amikacin including hypersensitivity reactions such as urticaria, skin rash, and to a less extent renal or vestibular disorders. These symptoms disappear after discontinuation of the medicament.
Drug Interactions:
Administration of Amikacin should be avoided with the following drugs:
– potent diuretics.
– Nephrotoxic and ototoxic drugs.
– Muscle relaxants.
– Beta lactam antibiotics.
Dosage and Administration: Adults and Children:
– I.M. Injection: A suggested dose equivalent of 15 mg/kg/ body weight daily in equal divided doses every 8-12 hours, up to maximum of 1.5 g per day.
– I.V. Injection: Slow I.V.injection of 15 mg/kg / body weight daily is administered over 2-3 minutes or by. I.V. Infusion.
Packing : Box containing ( 5-25-100 ) ampoules.
Storage : Keep in a temperature between( 15-30 ) ú C.
Warning: Contains sodium meta bisulphite. Do not use if known to be hypersensitive to bisulphite ( esp. Asthma patients).